The Master of Ceremonies for the event was Communications professor Darren Osburn, who entertained us with witty comments and short, haiku poems submitted by some of the attendees.
SCC professor and radio DJ Michael Kuelker once again provided period music for the day's festivities.
Attendees were encouraged to wear period or patriotic costumes to fit the theme. Here Pam Cilek enjoys refreshments with Deb Phillips, appropriately attired in a bomber jacket and military cap.
I chose a zoot suit as my period outfit. Fortunately, no riots ensued. (Hispanics wearing such attire were attacked by LA residents and soldiers in the early days of World War II).
Michael Banks demonstrates his war exploits to President McGuire and Pam Cilek.
Kevin Patton and Bill Kristen discuss Jitterbug techniques.
Nursing faculty members pose with the retiring Nancy McGough.
Anthropology professor Will Griffin was one of 7 faculty members selected for promotion this year.
Mitch Harden receives his "Adjunct Faculty of the Year Award" from Jill Riethmayer, Dean of Business and Social Sciences.
Chris Breitmeyer gives the same award to Dot Peterson for the Math, Science and Health Department.
Barb Sullivan presents a college photo to retiree Nancy McGough.
Our other retiree this year was Nancy Greenwood, who also got a framed college photo.
The biggest award of the day went to Chemistry professor John Bookstaver. here he receives the "Faculty member of the Year" Award from President John McGuire.